Thursday, March 17, 2011

Just me! (and you let me tell you one time)

I am more than just what other people see. I have many talents that I'm afraid to show thinking that anybody could do that better than me. I make mistakes, typical. In my daily life I have to deal with things that others may or may not have to deal. There might be a person just like me out there. I am confident. I have confidence. I tell myself that whenever I have to. I am still me whatever people think that I may have changed. 

I guess you can just say I'm in a way that there are extra things that you will hear about me. I'm not just a student, a friend, a sister, a daughter. I'm an achiever, a believer, a performer....whatever I do is all me. Nothing changed, nothing really. I'm simply AVERAGE. Aha! So that's where the title of this blog came from! Everyone is simply average but with extras. What I mean by extras are the things that makes us unique from one another. One might be a horseback rider, Japanese anime lover, hardworking student, or maybe someone who's a hardworking student who rides horses while reading anime. I don't know. We all fall in every kinds of categories. You might be the shy one who doesn't do anything. The loud one who DOES everything. OR a little of both. We cannot define who we are by just thinking about what we like or typing everything we do in this blog. But we are defined by our actions of what we see from ourselves and sometimes from other people who sees us from a different perspective. 

Now we're getting somewhere. 

Hi, My name is Kristal Gail Bacho Ancheta. I like my full name. But since it's too long for me to write everyday in school I'm just known as Kristal Ancheta. I am also Krisdale, Kris, Gail, Gail Bacho, Ancheddar, Kri-STALE. Whatever you call me doesn't identify who I am . It's just a name and I am more than that. First name is actually: Kristal Gail but since we're in America, Gail is considered my middle name. In the Philippines my middle name is my mother's maiden name Bacho. So instead they put Gail-Bacho as both of my middle name on my driver's license. My dad's surname is my last name Ancheta......not to get mixep up with David Archuleta. 

What else should I be identified as? There are a lot more things... I'm funny (as told by the people I live with and my friends), talkative, selfish, insensitive, careless, caring, understanding, misunderstood, miss no way it's all good uh yeah I just broke into songs like that. oh I'm also a music lover. I sing I sing and I play the guitar. <<<yes I repeated I sing twice because I sing just about everywhere, and anywhere twice as much.

This is getting to loooooooong. You might get bored. But I hope I didn't bore you!

Thanks for getting to know me a little. There are more things about me that I can't define or write right now. My hands are too tired. :P

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Step into my skin.

As all of you know, or not yet know, I have a very bad oily and dry skin. It's a combination of two. In the winter time my skin seems to be more dry and lighter shade. In the summer my skin tends to oil and I get uneven skin tone.

I wash my face as often as I can. I have learned that exfoliating your skin is very good in getting rid of the dead skin cells to prevent from drying and also removes dirt and oil in your pores. It's very disgusting to even think about those things in your face. Now do you feel like washing your face?

In our advance society we have many options of using many different kinds of products to prevent these kind of things going on in our skin such as having breakouts, uncontrollably oily, and fast drying skin etc... But all these things are probably just too much for us to handle. We could take 15 minutes of our time a day to just cleanse our face, rejuvenate with so many products each day and still have the skin problems we are facing today. I have experienced that. 15 minutes is honestly a long time for me just to keep my skin in a good condition from the weather. That's why just exfoliating twice a week makes my face in a good condition as if I washed it 3 times a day.

My skin routine weekly.

-Exfoliate twice a week-I'm currently using Loreal 360 Exfoliating Scrub
-Rejuvinate once every other two weeks-This will help your skin glow and possibly makes it look cleaner. I use Pearl Mask from Forever21
-Anti-aging gel-once a week-This is to prevent wrinkles. I can honestly say I may have the skin of a 50 year old because of my damaged skin from the sun uv rays every summer. So better use it now than wait for the wrinkles to visit you. I use a sample size bottle of the Peter Roth anti-aging cleansing gel.

-The days I don't use my weekly cleansers I would use a normal daily cleanser such as Clean & Clear Morning Burst.

Daily use- After I exfoliate, rejuvinate, use anti-aging gel, or cleanse with daily cleanser

-I use a toner to get rid of excess oil and dirt.I'm currently and loving using Papaya Eskinol. It has the ingredients to whiten skin.
-The very last important step: MOISTURIZE! After I do all these things on my face they dry up because the dead skin cells are actually exfoliating. But I need to moisturize my face still. Do not use heavy lotion on your face. Use light lotion. The ones that have the consistency of liquid to prevent clogging your pores. The lotion that I use is Cetaphil. It's a light weight lotion. It's has a good consistency to use for my face.

FYI- before putting any products on your face you must always wash your face with lukewarm water to open up your pores so that the products may work not only on the surface of the skin. Then after you've cleanse your face, use cold water to close and seal your pores. Do not rub the cloth on your face, dab it gently.

Products mentioned.

Loreal 360 Exfoliating Scrub
Pearl Mask from Forever21
Peter Roth anti-Aging gel from Sephora
Clean & Clear Morning Burst
Papaya Eskinol Toner
Cetaphil Moisturizing Lotion

Most of these are inexpensive.

Give your skin some love <3